Let me start by saying that I have learned an important lesson about deadlines (you may have noticed that this post squeaked in just before midnight PDT, which means *technically* I delivered it on Sunday as promised). My wife and I celebrated our (belated) 6-month wedding anniversary today by driving out to Abbotsford for mini golf at Castle Fun Park. After all that driving -- and the humbling experience of outscoring (remember, in golf that's a bad thing) the missus by what at one point was double digits and what would've stayed that way had the putt-putt gods not wisely instituted a mercy rule on our scoresheet -- I almost succumbed to sleep instead of delivering the free music I promised you all last Sunday. I guess next time I'll get the hard work done at the start of the weekend. I seem to recall trying to institute a similar policy back in college and it working out for at least a week or two. So, pleasantries aside, it's my pleasure to introduce your ears to the first new CFord track of 2013! I recorded Nothing on Me with Aman Brar in October. We laid the guitars down in only three or four takes, and then I did the vocals all in one go*. I'm very proud of this song and I hope you all love it as much as I do. *this is a bold-face lie. If you have any problems with the above link, try the Music page of my website. It rarely bites, and if you scratch it under its chin it will purr in contentment. Remember, you can download this track for free until Tuesday, then it's gonna be a buck - the whole 'paying for music' thing is a new concept for me, too. I bet some of you more tech-savvy folks will find a way to get this onto Grooveshark and cheat me out of my money. You magnificent scoundrels! Who am I kidding? I can't stay mad at you guys! So enjoy, share with friends, shout it from the rooftops (but please, only at a reasonable hour), and generally get down to the funky beat! Yours in rockitude, CFord
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